Free shipping for orders over 100 € net in austria / freight costs for pallet goods on request.
We deliver to Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia & Slovenia. Other countries on request.
"In our range you´ll find exclusively products that have been personally inspected by
us for their quality and functionality. We guarantee this to you." Stefan Stiller / CEO
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Use our daily live-chat!
Monday til friday from 9 to 10 am we answer your requests live "on air"
Take 60 minutes of your time and lets talk about your ideas and perspective with your direct selling farm. Free and not binding!
Welcome at the PRODuct of the month
Preis gültig vom
1. - 31. März 2024
Preis gilt bei
Abnahme ab 1 Palette
1 Palette enthält 44 Kisten
Max. Abgabemenge pro
Bestellung sind 5 Paletten
Nur solange
der Vorrat reicht!
Keine Versandkosten
mit unserem Code FKR44
Die E2 Kiste ist die
meist genutzte Lebensmittelkiste
im Fleisch- & Fischbereich
und leicht zu reinigen
von -40° - +78°